Haiz life is ever so boring if your just too lazy to do anything and wanna complain. Well i guess thats me. I'm like so bored that i'm now like reading other ppl's blog and even their frens blog. Oh okay this is extreme boredom.
Well just can't really be bothered to do anything like clean up my room, do a new layout for my blog and even trying out new recipes. Just too lazy to cook anymore haiz.... Dunno wat to do with my life man at the moment beside waiting for results
*pray that i dun fail* and at least a C in every module pls. Okay i'm like desperately praying hard again for something. typical human beings who pray for something when they are desperate. haiz... oh well i'm just another normal human being on a little dot on the map called Singapore.
Oh gosh bullshiting again. Madness in invading my brain cells. Guess i haf to find some stuff to do, like shopping, watch movies but all these cost money haiz another problem. Oh well i guess i can go window shopping haha than sure buy stuff.
BTW anyone of you got vcds can lend me anot. Need to entertain myself already without spending much. ( just spend a sum of money on vcds thats why asking around )
Well if haf than sms me or msn moi okie. i'll be so thankful and stuff. oh watever!!!
tata going to continue leading my boring vacations till attachment arrives.