Great!!! today i just realize i no longer can slack starting from like now onwards. from week 5 to week 10 is like nothing but ICAs, practicals, theory tests. OMG so many in just 5 weeks. All these are stress esp if i fail. This sem my sub grp is like no creative ideas for projects, feeling sianz all the time and wat else .........all the negative effects that might cause us not to gd well.
Well as for my the other sub grp for 1029 module, i'm the leader so its adds up more stress. Its like so long since i lead ppl to do stuff. Let me see............ 3 yrs already. It such a long time since i'm a leader. Dunno if i'm still up to it. Well hope i can do it as well as the past or even better and not let my grp down cause i personally wanna get a A for this module coz i've no idea wat is going on in klass haha!!!
Well nothing much to update too so tata.
To ZQ...
Feeling better anot!!! must rest more and eat medicine and if still haf fever use the method i teach you to bring it down. Take care ya!!!
Friday, October 28, 2005
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Do you know what kills.......
Juz read one blog. It like so weird coz i'm like wondering wat is going on inside this person mind. What is she exactly thinking and does she knows the truth of what is going on. Its like u think that you know what is going on and thought that you haf it under control but after reading something that can haf two meanings than it makes one wonder mayb i dun really know wat is really going on. It juz keeps you thinking bout it and haf a urge to go confront.
Human being are so hard to predict when you think that you know it all at most time.
I've met my match. Most of the time i'm able to see through ppl by just looking at their expressions even if they are juz acting but now......... i can;t see through this person at all.
Human being are so hard to predict when you think that you know it all at most time.
I've met my match. Most of the time i'm able to see through ppl by just looking at their expressions even if they are juz acting but now......... i can;t see through this person at all.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Enjoyable Day......
Today klasses as usual in the morning than i was out meeting my attchement frens Zhiqiang, Cuyan, Ying Ying, Benedict, Desmond and Xiao Hui in the afternoon. Well Ying yIng, Des, Xiao HUi and I met Ben at bout 3.10pm at the mrt and off we go to J8 to meet up wif the rest. As Cuyan was fasting coz she wanna lose weight which i dun quite get it coz she is like rather skinny already haha!! so we went to sit at Ajisen first and waited for Zhiquang to come. So the usual thingie we ordered our food and waitied for it and crap throughout the meal. Most of the time Xiao hui and Ben was 'arguing' over some small matter but it was funny. It has been long since i had laugh so much over a meal. It was fun. We should haf more of such next time!!!
So after eating, we walk around the mall. We kinda walk around in circles coz we dun really know our way. J8 is like a maze haha!! so we were like walking around, taking pictures and stuff. Sadly Xiao Hui had to leave early to help her sis relief tution for some pri sch kid. the rest of us juz continue to walk round till we went to pretty pix watever that shop is call. coz we had like 5 bucks to spare we neoprint we took. Its like so many yrs since i last took neoprint.
HIGHLITE OF THE DAY!!!--- all of us except cuyan were like mountain tortise coz we din really know how that machine work. It was like so fast b4 we could even prepare for the next shot. We were like so noisy laughing and a little screaming saying hurry hurry quick quick. anyway its so funny. Well at least most of the pictures came out nice but coz of the time limit and dunno how to do it thingie ying ying and i chose the pics quickly but ramdomly not even hafing time to really see and choose . haha sorrie guys chose all the pictures wif all the gals in front.

Ben so call make up was really scarry and we were like making fun of him all day111 poor guy but as long he is in the photo it looks weird but interesting.
there is another 2 more neoprint but can;t seem to upload it so will do it another day!! hehe like this neoprint best coz everyone face was rather clear except zhiqiang and i din look so fat in it haha but look so dark!!!! ARG!!!!!!
So after eating, we walk around the mall. We kinda walk around in circles coz we dun really know our way. J8 is like a maze haha!! so we were like walking around, taking pictures and stuff. Sadly Xiao Hui had to leave early to help her sis relief tution for some pri sch kid. the rest of us juz continue to walk round till we went to pretty pix watever that shop is call. coz we had like 5 bucks to spare we neoprint we took. Its like so many yrs since i last took neoprint.
HIGHLITE OF THE DAY!!!--- all of us except cuyan were like mountain tortise coz we din really know how that machine work. It was like so fast b4 we could even prepare for the next shot. We were like so noisy laughing and a little screaming saying hurry hurry quick quick. anyway its so funny. Well at least most of the pictures came out nice but coz of the time limit and dunno how to do it thingie ying ying and i chose the pics quickly but ramdomly not even hafing time to really see and choose . haha sorrie guys chose all the pictures wif all the gals in front.

Ben so call make up was really scarry and we were like making fun of him all day111 poor guy but as long he is in the photo it looks weird but interesting.
there is another 2 more neoprint but can;t seem to upload it so will do it another day!! hehe like this neoprint best coz everyone face was rather clear except zhiqiang and i din look so fat in it haha but look so dark!!!! ARG!!!!!!
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Busy day!!!
Today had tennis lesson as usual but during the first half hour i could not concentrate at all. Mood swing bah!! was feeling upset somehow. Anyway i pick myself up and concentrated in the game and i was back to normal. Being able to hit the balls and getting my swing the rite way. Well usual i got darker again haha!!!
Well after that took a shower in sch and had lunch all in 45 mins and had to rush to meet the CSC ppl to get ready to go do volunteer work at the bright hill evergreen home. well basically we went there to interact wif the old folks there but i had communication problem coz cannot speak any dialect at all. Haiz... anyway i juz asked my parents to teach moi to speak canto and hokkien so that when i go attachment in week 15 i can at least interact or else very troublesome to everytime call someone to help me translate. Well after soe interaction, we had to push the folk to the performing area coz the harmonica grp were performing. Well the highlite of the day to me was when Hong Wei, one of the yr 2 volunteer started to sing for the folks. His voice not bad and was so cute when he tried to get the folk to participate in the singing too. Well but at least the folks like it so it was heartening to see them enjoying the performances. well after that it back to interactions.
I guess i haf to work in interpersonal skills coz i always dunno wat to say to strangers sometimes even to ppl i know. No topics in my brains haha. Guess coz i've been keeping things all to myself that i dun like to really tok to other ppl. Oh Suddenly remb. 2 yrs ago when working in the learning centre i was like always quiet and doing my work. suddenly i had a comment on some topic my collegue, the kids were tokking so i juz rattle on and on till my colleuge got a shock coz when i tok i really could juz go on. anyway at that moment it was funny lah.
Haiz. miss those times. Actually miss those times in secondary sch. Haha i guess coz i was in control of myself and i had alot of activites to participate coz of student council. so much fun!! Now like dun haf that kind of fun anymore coz ppl around me are so 'funny ' in a scarastic way haha!! You guys should see how one gal in my klass juz to be part of that stupid grp than she act like a maid doing stuff for them. Dunno whether to pity or laugh at her. How can she ever let them do this to her leh. Sometime juz dunno wat goes through her pea brains. If she ever consider them as frens than i wonder wat are frens really for? How do ppl really define frens now adays? Knowing alot of ppl means they are ur frens? wat is exactly the true meaning of the word 'FRIEND' *ponders*
Well something for u to ponder on and tell moi okay!!!
Lazy ppl updates ur blogs leh!!!!
Well after that took a shower in sch and had lunch all in 45 mins and had to rush to meet the CSC ppl to get ready to go do volunteer work at the bright hill evergreen home. well basically we went there to interact wif the old folks there but i had communication problem coz cannot speak any dialect at all. Haiz... anyway i juz asked my parents to teach moi to speak canto and hokkien so that when i go attachment in week 15 i can at least interact or else very troublesome to everytime call someone to help me translate. Well after soe interaction, we had to push the folk to the performing area coz the harmonica grp were performing. Well the highlite of the day to me was when Hong Wei, one of the yr 2 volunteer started to sing for the folks. His voice not bad and was so cute when he tried to get the folk to participate in the singing too. Well but at least the folks like it so it was heartening to see them enjoying the performances. well after that it back to interactions.
I guess i haf to work in interpersonal skills coz i always dunno wat to say to strangers sometimes even to ppl i know. No topics in my brains haha. Guess coz i've been keeping things all to myself that i dun like to really tok to other ppl. Oh Suddenly remb. 2 yrs ago when working in the learning centre i was like always quiet and doing my work. suddenly i had a comment on some topic my collegue, the kids were tokking so i juz rattle on and on till my colleuge got a shock coz when i tok i really could juz go on. anyway at that moment it was funny lah.
Haiz. miss those times. Actually miss those times in secondary sch. Haha i guess coz i was in control of myself and i had alot of activites to participate coz of student council. so much fun!! Now like dun haf that kind of fun anymore coz ppl around me are so 'funny ' in a scarastic way haha!! You guys should see how one gal in my klass juz to be part of that stupid grp than she act like a maid doing stuff for them. Dunno whether to pity or laugh at her. How can she ever let them do this to her leh. Sometime juz dunno wat goes through her pea brains. If she ever consider them as frens than i wonder wat are frens really for? How do ppl really define frens now adays? Knowing alot of ppl means they are ur frens? wat is exactly the true meaning of the word 'FRIEND' *ponders*
Well something for u to ponder on and tell moi okay!!!
Lazy ppl updates ur blogs leh!!!!
Friday, October 21, 2005
Scare of my life
Today was the first lesson of my new module HS1029 tutorial and the lecturer gave me a scare that my heart sunk. She made us re grp our sub grps in a stupid way that only fate is the one going to choose ur grp members. We were ask to stand in a line according to our birthday and after that we had to go 1, 2, 3, 4,1 ,2 3, 4. So all the 1s were together 2s together and so on. wat a stupid way!! After seeing my new grp members than i was relieved. Lucky i was not together with that stupid germaine and with some other ppl who are not really very cooperative in grp disscussions.
So my grp consist of Estelle, Su Duan, Qiao Qiao, Nazri and Evelyn. At least my frens are in the same grp as moi ( estelle, su duan and qiao qiao). As for evelyn i work wif her be4 in the same grp but i was not very please with her coz she follows the crowd too much and like dun haf a mind of her own and worst of all...... that time i had to do her part of the project as well. haiz hope history dun repeat itself again. As for Naz, never really tok to him b4 coz he is the quiet one but heard from estelle that he also another problematic one, come for disscussions but dun do work. his mind like always elsewhere. Dunno wat is going on in his brains!!! Well this time round i'm the leader so i hope i can push them to do their part and score well for this module though at this moment i still dun haf any idea wat the lecturer is tokking about in klass haha!!!
So my grp consist of Estelle, Su Duan, Qiao Qiao, Nazri and Evelyn. At least my frens are in the same grp as moi ( estelle, su duan and qiao qiao). As for evelyn i work wif her be4 in the same grp but i was not very please with her coz she follows the crowd too much and like dun haf a mind of her own and worst of all...... that time i had to do her part of the project as well. haiz hope history dun repeat itself again. As for Naz, never really tok to him b4 coz he is the quiet one but heard from estelle that he also another problematic one, come for disscussions but dun do work. his mind like always elsewhere. Dunno wat is going on in his brains!!! Well this time round i'm the leader so i hope i can push them to do their part and score well for this module though at this moment i still dun haf any idea wat the lecturer is tokking about in klass haha!!!
Thursday, October 20, 2005
New Song
Like the new background song? Its one of the sub theme song from this show call 'Baseball dream' well its a taiwanese idol show but its nice to watch.Funny yet touching. Ohya this song it titled,'Ni Ke Yi Ai Wo Heng Niu Ma' I like cry so many times over a few scenes haha but my highest record for crying over a show so many times would be burning flame 1 ( hk drama bout firemen) so sad this show.
Well these days in sch not too bad lah but rather stress coz so many new things to study and i would be studying medicine too which is like OMG!!! so many different kind of drugs to remember and i somemore got STM haiz how to remember!!! haiz juz haf to try my best liao.
Oh bout 3 more weeks to my driving test liao haiz!!! hope can pass this time round or else i will be so piss off with myself!!! how come i can fail a practical so many time. Never failed more than twice b4. Hope this time can pass coz i will be skipping lectures. Which means passing the test makes it worth while skipping all those important lectures with my absentee rate going down....... hope is not more than 7% or else going to recieve warning letter again haha!!!
Gonna slp liao tomolo lecture at 9am. SO EARLY!!!!! take care dudes!!!! sound so cheena!!! haha
Well these days in sch not too bad lah but rather stress coz so many new things to study and i would be studying medicine too which is like OMG!!! so many different kind of drugs to remember and i somemore got STM haiz how to remember!!! haiz juz haf to try my best liao.
Oh bout 3 more weeks to my driving test liao haiz!!! hope can pass this time round or else i will be so piss off with myself!!! how come i can fail a practical so many time. Never failed more than twice b4. Hope this time can pass coz i will be skipping lectures. Which means passing the test makes it worth while skipping all those important lectures with my absentee rate going down....... hope is not more than 7% or else going to recieve warning letter again haha!!!
Gonna slp liao tomolo lecture at 9am. SO EARLY!!!!! take care dudes!!!! sound so cheena!!! haha
Monday, October 17, 2005
A New Term..
Today is the first day of the new term and i wanted to resolve the dumb conflict between that stupid gal and moi so i tried to be nice and juz like greet her hi BUT............ BUT she just gave me that wat the heck look and juz stared at me as if i got problem like that. WAT THE F***. It was just too naive of me to think that she would at least say hi or watever but boy was i wrong. She is really a crapping gal who thinks too highly of herself and she is always rite. Our problem was like over a month ago before the holiday started and she still so PETTY!!! juz becoz i din wanna take home a charity booklet from the lecturer to sell it or buy a ticket from her. I have my reasons why i din wanna take the booklet home. Its like no point in giving it to me coz my social of frens are like so small, it was exam period, i only shuttle from sch and home everyday who am i going to sell to. going to the neighbours is illegal so who to sell to. So wat is the point of taking one home is i cannot sell any which makes no sense coz selling the tickets are to raise money to help the charity organization. Sometime i really wonder wat goes inside her pea brain. Its like really fustrating coz i already 'di sheng xia qi' to break the ice but that gal is juz too petty over a matter like that. Somemore i dun 'di sheng xia qi' to ppl one coz i never regret certain actions i do esp when it comes to standing up for myself and believing in myself that i'm doing the rite things. She bad mouth me infront of the stupid lecturer i already dun care why can't she just be more understanding and open-minded. Thats why i really hate gals. Gals are like so petty, their empty vessels that makes alot of noise, most are BIMBOS, why can't they be more upfront and deal problems face to face and solve it instead of i hate you and u hate me like kindergarden sch kids. haiz........... i wonder.
Well I swear that i'm not going to bother bout her anymore in my life even if she going to die. well mayb juz save her even if she going to die and just leave her aside bah. watever happens to her is none of my business and wun let ppl like her affect me coz not worth it. I've already made the move but since she is so 'small hearted' than is none of my business, at least i've tried. If she ever haf problems, let all of her pretencious frens help her. I dun wanna be pretencious infront of anyone anymore coz i wanna be who i am. the one who can protect myself from all kinds of harm. Even if ppl all stay away from me just becoz i offended their silly fren, coz they believe in the rumours that gal start than i'll juz accept it coz at least i'm happy and i still haf my china frens and sui chan and of course ZQ, Bengi and Shermeen who accept me for who i am even they all know i got a weird temper though i haf already mild it down alot that is almost to none already haha. wat bullshit!! i think its time to erupt it to certain ppl already. Haiz also dunno if can do that coz i now haf this thing in me that i cannot hurt other ppl or else i will feel bad bout it even if that person deserve it. haiz so 'fan'
Wat a feeling to start a new term. I see so many 17 yrs old kids but why only my klass ppl are so 'different' that i cannot get along with them at all. but i have no problem with the rest!!!!!!!! can someone tell me why???? i really wanna know why??? and why all the acting????? Dun they feel tired ????? or do i haf a problem?????
Well I swear that i'm not going to bother bout her anymore in my life even if she going to die. well mayb juz save her even if she going to die and just leave her aside bah. watever happens to her is none of my business and wun let ppl like her affect me coz not worth it. I've already made the move but since she is so 'small hearted' than is none of my business, at least i've tried. If she ever haf problems, let all of her pretencious frens help her. I dun wanna be pretencious infront of anyone anymore coz i wanna be who i am. the one who can protect myself from all kinds of harm. Even if ppl all stay away from me just becoz i offended their silly fren, coz they believe in the rumours that gal start than i'll juz accept it coz at least i'm happy and i still haf my china frens and sui chan and of course ZQ, Bengi and Shermeen who accept me for who i am even they all know i got a weird temper though i haf already mild it down alot that is almost to none already haha. wat bullshit!! i think its time to erupt it to certain ppl already. Haiz also dunno if can do that coz i now haf this thing in me that i cannot hurt other ppl or else i will feel bad bout it even if that person deserve it. haiz so 'fan'
Wat a feeling to start a new term. I see so many 17 yrs old kids but why only my klass ppl are so 'different' that i cannot get along with them at all. but i have no problem with the rest!!!!!!!! can someone tell me why???? i really wanna know why??? and why all the acting????? Dun they feel tired ????? or do i haf a problem?????
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Aiyo I'm so bored so decided to come type another entry.Wow first time i writing 2 entries in one day. u guys muz be thinking i today got so much things to crap arh hahahaha!!! Bored lah nothin to do so like that lor...
let me see........... wat to type arh............ thinking hard............ wat should i say........... haiz i gif up. nothin much to say haha.
Ohya!!! just now went through the list of songs of Yang Cheng Lin new album and found one song has the same title as one of the song i wrote few months back. wow so 'qiao'.
This is Yang cheng Lin version:
当指尖轻轻滑过你眉梢 我幻想能靠在你的怀抱
多希望一直陪在你身旁 就怕听不到你的心跳
这一秒突然之间想知道 我在你心里究竟多重要
爱情的颜色 怎么我努力你却看不见呢
眼睛湿湿的没说出的爱只为了不让你负荷 负荷
这一刻突然之间才知道 你在我心里究竟多重要
爱情的颜色 怎么我努力你却看不见呢 只要你快乐
This is my version:
黑暗中的我 独自躺在天空下
这顿分离的日子 我努力得忘记你
但你已是 我唯一色彩
我黑白世界 有了爱情色彩
我们的爱情是否像 黑白电影一样
成为了过去 让你就这样 say goodbye
这份伤心渲染了心灵 化为泪水
Only You, You are the one
已如透过树影的阳光般 温暖
I give you my love
As time goes by
愿能将我的爱情 刻在我心中
Only You, You are the one
已如透过树影的阳光般 温暖
I give you my love
haha my so long winded as compared to Cheng Lin's version. haha which one better arh??? mayb Cheng Lin version better bah coz my still a little no head no tail one haha. mayb of got chance than go learn how to write songs than next time if wanna switch job can go become song writer and win awards haha i muz be dreaming!!!
let me see........... wat to type arh............ thinking hard............ wat should i say........... haiz i gif up. nothin much to say haha.
Ohya!!! just now went through the list of songs of Yang Cheng Lin new album and found one song has the same title as one of the song i wrote few months back. wow so 'qiao'.
This is Yang cheng Lin version:
当指尖轻轻滑过你眉梢 我幻想能靠在你的怀抱
多希望一直陪在你身旁 就怕听不到你的心跳
这一秒突然之间想知道 我在你心里究竟多重要
爱情的颜色 怎么我努力你却看不见呢
眼睛湿湿的没说出的爱只为了不让你负荷 负荷
这一刻突然之间才知道 你在我心里究竟多重要
爱情的颜色 怎么我努力你却看不见呢 只要你快乐
This is my version:
黑暗中的我 独自躺在天空下
这顿分离的日子 我努力得忘记你
但你已是 我唯一色彩
我黑白世界 有了爱情色彩
我们的爱情是否像 黑白电影一样
成为了过去 让你就这样 say goodbye
这份伤心渲染了心灵 化为泪水
Only You, You are the one
已如透过树影的阳光般 温暖
I give you my love
As time goes by
愿能将我的爱情 刻在我心中
Only You, You are the one
已如透过树影的阳光般 温暖
I give you my love
haha my so long winded as compared to Cheng Lin's version. haha which one better arh??? mayb Cheng Lin version better bah coz my still a little no head no tail one haha. mayb of got chance than go learn how to write songs than next time if wanna switch job can go become song writer and win awards haha i muz be dreaming!!!
finally got my stuff......
Yesterday went on a shopping trip with ZQ and TSL but in the end din manage to get anything. So sad. So today i went to another place at toa payoh to check out the clothes there. hehe lucky today manage to get some clothes for the new sem or else haf to wear wat i wore last sem. This shop sells about the same kind of clothes as the one at far east. This shop their service much better and the clothes they take in also much nicer bah coz its suitable for ppl my age as compared to far east. hehe another shop i can go shop shop again but a bit far only. NOw adays hard to find clothes my size. they either too small or too big. I like in between of no where. sad case lah. skinny also cannot, fat also cannot. wat to do!!!!! clothes nowadays are like only for the super skinny or super fat ppl.Than ppl like me how!!!! haha. i tink i next sem everyday go jogging bah be4 sch than no need to fan such things liao and somewhere can save money. hahahaha!!! but i only like tennis haha. anyone game!!! i got extra racket to lend!!! esp zq and tsl. same sch so can play wif moi. tennis very fun leh but only problem is that you would be tan. haha like moi. now got 4 colours. 2 diff colours on the arm and legs.
Enough of psycho-ing liao haha. wanna go slack liao byezzz and gd luck in ur job hunting!! (zq)
Enough of psycho-ing liao haha. wanna go slack liao byezzz and gd luck in ur job hunting!! (zq)
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Been so surrounded with attachment that only recently i started to read the newspaper. Although i know that there has been many sad things going on. Only these few days when reading the newspaper than i realize that the death poll and so high and many living areas has been destroy. Rather sad to see all those pictures and where ppl are suffering, crying over the lost of their loves ones etc...
This only shows how lucky we singaporeans are but yet here we are always whinning. coming up with some scheming plans to back stab others. If only everyone including those terrorists spare a thought for others, stop all those killing and greediness to wanna control the world thingie and not only be an empty vessel that makes alot of noise than mayb the world would be a better place. I guess mother nature is mutating now as a form of punishment to us bah.
The land is changing form, the climate is changing too, everything on earth is changing.From nature to human beings. Its the world coming to and end already. This reminds me when i was in primary sch, there was some art competition on how the world would be like in 2050. Everyone was like drawing robots, ppl flying and watever but i was the only one who drew the world coming to an end where it juz scrumble to pieces. HAHA so young than think of such a sad picture of the future.
However it seems that its becoming that way. Wonder how the future may behold for everyone of us here.......
This only shows how lucky we singaporeans are but yet here we are always whinning. coming up with some scheming plans to back stab others. If only everyone including those terrorists spare a thought for others, stop all those killing and greediness to wanna control the world thingie and not only be an empty vessel that makes alot of noise than mayb the world would be a better place. I guess mother nature is mutating now as a form of punishment to us bah.
The land is changing form, the climate is changing too, everything on earth is changing.From nature to human beings. Its the world coming to and end already. This reminds me when i was in primary sch, there was some art competition on how the world would be like in 2050. Everyone was like drawing robots, ppl flying and watever but i was the only one who drew the world coming to an end where it juz scrumble to pieces. HAHA so young than think of such a sad picture of the future.
However it seems that its becoming that way. Wonder how the future may behold for everyone of us here.......
Sunday, October 09, 2005
This two days feeling a little confuse already. Can't seem to 'tidy up my feelings' on a certain matter. Hate this kind of feeling. It has been long since i felt this way again. The last time it happened was in sec 5 bah.
Beside this, there is another problem but i cannot tell anyone at all. No one i can talk too but only to keep it within myself.Feeling a little sad. This problem is like a year ago but ppl are now still habouring over it and its really vexing. Really need to tok to someone but haf to keep mums.Can't even tell my parents how i feel coz will only worry them.They always think i can handle the matter but honestly i can't anymore. Its so difficult when i'm no longer in control of my feelings anymore and haf to pretend that nothing happen at all.
Feeling really tired emotionally and i really hope this feeling can just go away. Really far away coz no one would ever ever......
Beside this, there is another problem but i cannot tell anyone at all. No one i can talk too but only to keep it within myself.Feeling a little sad. This problem is like a year ago but ppl are now still habouring over it and its really vexing. Really need to tok to someone but haf to keep mums.Can't even tell my parents how i feel coz will only worry them.They always think i can handle the matter but honestly i can't anymore. Its so difficult when i'm no longer in control of my feelings anymore and haf to pretend that nothing happen at all.
Feeling really tired emotionally and i really hope this feeling can just go away. Really far away coz no one would ever ever......
Friday, October 07, 2005
Last day of attachment and beginning of freedom....
YEAH!!!!!!!!! last day of polyclinic attachment. SO HAPPY but sadly today was boring. Last day already but had a boring day.It's over anyway.ONE WHOLE WEEK OF SLEEPING IN . YEAH!!!!!! no more early mornings.
Well this whole week of attachment was not only boring but interesting to a certain extend. First of all. me and my frens are always being stared at as if we are museum displays like that. NEVER see nursing students be4 meh??? the second funniest thingie is that every patient that see me would open their mouth and start to speak in malay. WAH!!! do i really look like a malay meh. Today got even one patient who was speaking in dialect to the nurse and then turn to me and said in english,'you understand wat i tokking about meh?' and i had to like yah. i chinese. I think i say this like dunno how many times liao till i so xian. All this started by ZQ when in sec 1 she thought i was malay and since then most ppl i met all think i malay. ALL UR FAULT ZQ!!!! (juz kidding lah).
Anyway attachment has come to an end and soon sch only to start soon and its the start of my misery again. haiz not in sch work (i so intelligent where got problem. haha like real!!!) but as in my klass mates. haiz got to see those childish and pretencious ppl again for another sem. sad case. hope this time round they dun come and disturb me coz i think i surely gif them or rather her a piece of my mind liao. NO more mr nice guy.
okay no more crappying again. Well today must really thanx ZQ and TSL for going out for dinner wif moi. thanx guys. next time must haf more of such thingie and bengi muz come too. And sorrie for leaving early arh coz i wanna go cut my hair. lucky i went early leh coz they close at 9pm. hehe. and ZQ the sending the postage to ur place no nned liao coz i found one shop that they can change the clip on for moi. thanx.
one more thingie i wanna say be4 signing off to slp. Guys pls go update ur bloggie leh. we hardly meet or tok so mus update blog so i can know how u doing in life mah. IT means YOU, YOU and YOU dun turn around its YOU!!!! so try to update once in every 2 days or so okie. Just entertain me lah coz i KPO haha!!! like that than can know if u still alive anot haha okie. should know wat i mean lah. if not than too bad haha!!! okie going to watch vcd than slp liao.
SO Long, fare well............ and the song goes on.............
Well this whole week of attachment was not only boring but interesting to a certain extend. First of all. me and my frens are always being stared at as if we are museum displays like that. NEVER see nursing students be4 meh??? the second funniest thingie is that every patient that see me would open their mouth and start to speak in malay. WAH!!! do i really look like a malay meh. Today got even one patient who was speaking in dialect to the nurse and then turn to me and said in english,'you understand wat i tokking about meh?' and i had to like yah. i chinese. I think i say this like dunno how many times liao till i so xian. All this started by ZQ when in sec 1 she thought i was malay and since then most ppl i met all think i malay. ALL UR FAULT ZQ!!!! (juz kidding lah).
Anyway attachment has come to an end and soon sch only to start soon and its the start of my misery again. haiz not in sch work (i so intelligent where got problem. haha like real!!!) but as in my klass mates. haiz got to see those childish and pretencious ppl again for another sem. sad case. hope this time round they dun come and disturb me coz i think i surely gif them or rather her a piece of my mind liao. NO more mr nice guy.
okay no more crappying again. Well today must really thanx ZQ and TSL for going out for dinner wif moi. thanx guys. next time must haf more of such thingie and bengi muz come too. And sorrie for leaving early arh coz i wanna go cut my hair. lucky i went early leh coz they close at 9pm. hehe. and ZQ the sending the postage to ur place no nned liao coz i found one shop that they can change the clip on for moi. thanx.
one more thingie i wanna say be4 signing off to slp. Guys pls go update ur bloggie leh. we hardly meet or tok so mus update blog so i can know how u doing in life mah. IT means YOU, YOU and YOU dun turn around its YOU!!!! so try to update once in every 2 days or so okie. Just entertain me lah coz i KPO haha!!! like that than can know if u still alive anot haha okie. should know wat i mean lah. if not than too bad haha!!! okie going to watch vcd than slp liao.
SO Long, fare well............ and the song goes on.............
Thursday, October 06, 2005
TOday is the bestest( my slang vocab) day!!
Each day in the polyclinic seems to be better but the best is that tomolo is the last day. My poor legs need the rest already. Thank god i already had good training from my hospital attachment or else i sure die in the polyclinic.
Well today was assign to the immunization room and another room where counselling of diseases were done. Anyway i had fun in the immune room coz saw so many babies and they were sooooooooo cute. One of the babies i saw today even had the same B'dae as moi. There was another baby that was really cute. he even grab my fingers and start playing wif it. Lucky he never try to put my fingers into his mouth HAHAHA!!! anyway my hand too big for his little mouth. He was so cute and cubby. Felt like carrying him haha. Today was really gd and even better than yesterday. Can see cute little babies and somemore play wif some of them. such a warm and fuzzy feeling. (is it the correct words to use???) who cares is my blog hahaha.
Tomolo last day liao and i guess i haf to Shou Shi my feeling and thoughts already. In this 3 weeks of attachment i really see much more stuff than i think i would ever see, experiences different things and i feel that even my thinking also mature a little bit more bah. ( i hope so haha if not than nvm lah)but i guess my cow (stubborn) temper still there bah but only to certain ppl. But it makes sense coz i born in the yr of cow wat. WAHAHAHAHAHA!!! crapping nonsense again haha.
But the best of all is that i made new frens whether isit from NYP, NP or even ITE etc. Hope we can all still keep in contact esp my new frens from NP (zhiqiang, cuyan and benedict) coz they were my first new frens i made in the hospital and i enjoy their company coz they are all so interesting in their own way.
P.S Zhiquan remb not to be late tomolo arh. and thanx for agreeing to meet at 6.30pm at lot 1. coz i very rush if at 6pm and i dun eat dinner so early leh haha.thanx. cya tomolo!!!!
Well today was assign to the immunization room and another room where counselling of diseases were done. Anyway i had fun in the immune room coz saw so many babies and they were sooooooooo cute. One of the babies i saw today even had the same B'dae as moi. There was another baby that was really cute. he even grab my fingers and start playing wif it. Lucky he never try to put my fingers into his mouth HAHAHA!!! anyway my hand too big for his little mouth. He was so cute and cubby. Felt like carrying him haha. Today was really gd and even better than yesterday. Can see cute little babies and somemore play wif some of them. such a warm and fuzzy feeling. (is it the correct words to use???) who cares is my blog hahaha.
Tomolo last day liao and i guess i haf to Shou Shi my feeling and thoughts already. In this 3 weeks of attachment i really see much more stuff than i think i would ever see, experiences different things and i feel that even my thinking also mature a little bit more bah. ( i hope so haha if not than nvm lah)but i guess my cow (stubborn) temper still there bah but only to certain ppl. But it makes sense coz i born in the yr of cow wat. WAHAHAHAHAHA!!! crapping nonsense again haha.
But the best of all is that i made new frens whether isit from NYP, NP or even ITE etc. Hope we can all still keep in contact esp my new frens from NP (zhiqiang, cuyan and benedict) coz they were my first new frens i made in the hospital and i enjoy their company coz they are all so interesting in their own way.
P.S Zhiquan remb not to be late tomolo arh. and thanx for agreeing to meet at 6.30pm at lot 1. coz i very rush if at 6pm and i dun eat dinner so early leh haha.thanx. cya tomolo!!!!
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Another day has passed..
3 days has passed and boy am i happy thought today was more meaniful as compared tp twp days ago. Today was assign to the developmental room and the so call emergency room. Well it was kinda fun coz at least i learn alot of stuff today and there was so many babies to see. They are sooooooo cute. Today do tepid sponging on a baby and it was the best happening of today. Well done a few tepid sponging for adults but baby is first time. While doing tepid sponging for the baby than he stick his hand into the basin and started to play with water. He was like playing wif water and crying at the same time. So cute and funny. Anyway it was fun. Haha but the next two days might not be so interesting thought tomolo can still see cute little kids coz tomolo i'm assign to the immune room where kids haf to go for their injections. Wow mayb tomolo i will turn deaf from their cries.
Feeling a little sick already guess its a cold coz my nose is running like a tap water. This boils down to me being a big mouth bah. I commented to my mum that one of my klass mate only 1 week in polyclinic than fall sick already than in hospital sure die liao. My retribution. Me and my always come true as in bad things mouth. Still trying to learn how to shut my gap if going to say bad things bout ppl coz later i sure get it one. Haha!!!
Last nite could not slp so was like reading everyone's blog entries from past to present and found out one freaky thingie. Its like there is billions and billions of ppl in the world and i actually get to meet someone that shares almost which is like about 98% same fate as moi in certain things. Its like so weird. HAHA how lucky of me.
P.S to Zhiqiang if ya reading this. Next time juz leave ur name at the comment board instead of np fren. When i read it, it was so funni.Juz find it funni haha.... hey dun bother to ask xiao hui bout the allowance thingie already coz doesn;t matter already. Just like wat i said during our conversation. thanx alot..
P.S to Bengi and ZQ. hey you two decide if wanna go eat on friday nite anot than sms me can okie. Go suki sushi hor if eating out coz never try that place yet and its bout 19++ wif gst coz bengi last time say he went there b4 than pay 19++. Sakae also bout the same price. If can call shermmen out too bah and ziyan too if possible. that gal if dun see her soon i sure cannot reco her next time liao.
OKIE enough message leaving be4 i start to crap again
Tata gotta slp already just took medicine....... bye ya.... Enjoy ur holidays....
Feeling a little sick already guess its a cold coz my nose is running like a tap water. This boils down to me being a big mouth bah. I commented to my mum that one of my klass mate only 1 week in polyclinic than fall sick already than in hospital sure die liao. My retribution. Me and my always come true as in bad things mouth. Still trying to learn how to shut my gap if going to say bad things bout ppl coz later i sure get it one. Haha!!!
Last nite could not slp so was like reading everyone's blog entries from past to present and found out one freaky thingie. Its like there is billions and billions of ppl in the world and i actually get to meet someone that shares almost which is like about 98% same fate as moi in certain things. Its like so weird. HAHA how lucky of me.
P.S to Zhiqiang if ya reading this. Next time juz leave ur name at the comment board instead of np fren. When i read it, it was so funni.Juz find it funni haha.... hey dun bother to ask xiao hui bout the allowance thingie already coz doesn;t matter already. Just like wat i said during our conversation. thanx alot..
P.S to Bengi and ZQ. hey you two decide if wanna go eat on friday nite anot than sms me can okie. Go suki sushi hor if eating out coz never try that place yet and its bout 19++ wif gst coz bengi last time say he went there b4 than pay 19++. Sakae also bout the same price. If can call shermmen out too bah and ziyan too if possible. that gal if dun see her soon i sure cannot reco her next time liao.
OKIE enough message leaving be4 i start to crap again
Tata gotta slp already just took medicine....... bye ya.... Enjoy ur holidays....
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
2nd day at polyclinic
Well today was much better than yesterday coz at least i can help take height and weight, bring case file to another room, do translation and stuff. BUt today i totally like in a foreign country. Today the nurses there all open their mouth and start to speak malay. MALAY!!! and 98% of the patients are also malay so i was like wat the heck are they tokking bout.So today like haf to open my golden mouth to ask or else i really like dun fit in anywhere haha.
Well todae nothing much happening lah coz still find it kinda boring. Well today find out mayb got hospital allowance to claim but dunno can anot so see how first lah coz now my np fren helping me ask my nyp fren whom i dun haf her number to ask the lecturer. Oh well hope can claim at least to cover my transport.
TATA tomolo another day at the polyclinic. 3 more days to go........
Well todae nothing much happening lah coz still find it kinda boring. Well today find out mayb got hospital allowance to claim but dunno can anot so see how first lah coz now my np fren helping me ask my nyp fren whom i dun haf her number to ask the lecturer. Oh well hope can claim at least to cover my transport.
TATA tomolo another day at the polyclinic. 3 more days to go........
Monday, October 03, 2005
First day at Jurong Polyclinic
Well the only word to describe my day today is BORING and yes its boring!!!! this polyclinic attachment thingie is really just to open ur eyes and ears to learn and hardly and i do mean hardly nothing for one to help out at all. I this kind of person where can just stand all day to observe and do so little work. haiz four more days to and i hope i can participate more and not just stand and look all day long.
Well i guess another factor why it was boring coz everyone was being paired up but moi. so sad .poor moi. just because my name was last in the list so no one to pair up wif. But oh well at least i get to observe without worrying if my parthner can see anot or stuff and can solely haf the nurse to answer all my doubt watsoever. HAHAHA!!!! evil me. Kinda miss working in the hospital already and the ppl of course. Guess was becoz i din feel that i was being judge coz of the way i look bah but whether i was a keen and capable learner bah. Oh wat the hell. going back to looking down on myself again. Geez tokking crap again....
Nothing much bah i guess. Tomolo is another day again. ( Tian arh pls let me not to be so bored. i need to do stuff.) haha tian shen lao lu ming!!!
P.S Bengi and ZQ wanna go out for diner this friday anot? Go suki sushi can??? but if no $$$ than we go marina next week bah. cheaper!! or any other recommendations???
Bengi the naruto vcds isit you haf the whole set arh and isit in cdr or in ur com. if in cdr can lend me to bring home watchie. thanx.
Well i guess another factor why it was boring coz everyone was being paired up but moi. so sad .poor moi. just because my name was last in the list so no one to pair up wif. But oh well at least i get to observe without worrying if my parthner can see anot or stuff and can solely haf the nurse to answer all my doubt watsoever. HAHAHA!!!! evil me. Kinda miss working in the hospital already and the ppl of course. Guess was becoz i din feel that i was being judge coz of the way i look bah but whether i was a keen and capable learner bah. Oh wat the hell. going back to looking down on myself again. Geez tokking crap again....
Nothing much bah i guess. Tomolo is another day again. ( Tian arh pls let me not to be so bored. i need to do stuff.) haha tian shen lao lu ming!!!
P.S Bengi and ZQ wanna go out for diner this friday anot? Go suki sushi can??? but if no $$$ than we go marina next week bah. cheaper!! or any other recommendations???
Bengi the naruto vcds isit you haf the whole set arh and isit in cdr or in ur com. if in cdr can lend me to bring home watchie. thanx.
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