Friday, March 31, 2006
videos at k box bdae
some of the videos taken at K box (mainly jeremy singing or dancing wahaha!!)
K box Outing with Poly Frens
Today went out with my Poly frens to sing K. First time go out with my poly frens. Well there was sharon,hui min, estelle and suichan. Now i know that they can really and i do mean really sing lor. haiz.... next time if go sing with them must go buck up my singing first wahaha or else so pai seh haha though they dun mind my horrible singing wahaha!!!!! Anyway we had fun taking lots of photos haha!!!!

My K box card. wah the ppl at
Jurong there better. See my
stupid paper card so gif me
one rite at the spot. not like
thosee ppl at cck chase till so
long still never gif me.

Hui min, Sharon and Estelle
acting COOL!!!

Acting Cute haha!!!

There's a fire but still wanna
sing ( cam problem when
taking the pic haha)

Well taken pic by me wahaha!!!

Estelle and Moi haha finally
haf a pic i'm not the only one
who is so dark.

Hui Min And ME!!!

their heads are STUCK onto
the wall!!!!!!

Sharon and Me!!!

Sui Chan and Me!!!

Sui chan and I are estelle's
'women' wahaha!!!!

Grp PIc!!! without sharon.
That bout it Got more pics but too lazy to upload it wahaha!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
21st bdae
Yeah finally 21 liao haha. This means can vote for the coming elections and watch RA movies haha. Sound stupid rite haha wat so exciting!!! Well this is the only 2 things left that only when 21 can do mah so ..........
Anyway today my parents took me out for lunch at a jap resturant. Well food was soso but i ate till very full wahaha coz my mum counld not finish her food so i help her haha!!!!! This means need to work even harder during tennis this sat wahaha!!!!!
Went for a movie thanx to harvey norman free movie vouncher haha!!!!! free movie to watch. this is than gd entertainment coz no need to pay wahaha..
Highlite of the day........................... went to K box with ZQ, bengi, tsl,hitler, mojo jojo and jem jem haha all got nick names!!!!!!!!!! to celebrate my Bdae. Actually this is my first time celebrate birthday coz last time my parents wold just buy a cake and bring the whole family for dinner or my mum would cook wat i wanna eat haha. Oh tokking bout this my mum made my fav honeydew sago. I beg her to make it for me like almost 2 yrs liao. Haiz finally she made it haha on my bdae. Yum Yum!!!!! At K box Jem was like dancing away and it was so funny. when free i will upload the videos wahaha!!!!!!!! Anyway had a great time. Ony regret is that we din take neoprint haha. wanted to do that but i forgot already. Next time we all must come out again than can go take to make up for it haha!!!!
Overall thanx guys for celebrating with me haha though i kinda knew wat was going on haha. Me too clever for this kind of things haha!!!
Well reach home just in time to celebrate my bdae with my family. 21st leh so must spent some time with them haha!!!!!! Took a few pictures haha. 21 so must take pic for keepsake!!!!

My 21st cake. I think i had
this cake when i was 20 haha!

Me and my silly smile
(ZQ this was the shirt
i was wearing inside
my jacket haha u lost
to bengi. haf to buy
him lunch haha!!)

Time to blow the candles!!!

My brother eating the cake!!
My bro gd looking hor haha!!
Here are the presents i got from u guys...................

Shirt from ZQ, bengi, hitler
and jojo. Another pink shirt
to my set of pink clothes.
Need to stop with the buying
of pink clothes

A cute doggy hp holder and

Immediately can use haha
thanx tsl.

Bdae wishes from frens hehe
Jem how can call me auntie huh??
Only i can call u uncle hor coz
u older wahaha!!!

Bag from Jeremy. No offence
but when i first saw it i thought
it was a market bag wahaha!!!

Close up of the bag design!!
Finally done. wah took almost an hour to upload the photos. blogger got problem with the uploading of photos haha so must one by one upload. Ok lah when free i will upload the videos of jem dancing and singing with jojo.
Once again Thanx guys!!!!!
Monday, March 27, 2006
Today had to go Sata at Jurong to go do the stupid Hepatitis B antibodies test. I so unlucky met the same lady who gave me the 2nd dose of the hep B jab. She is lousy. Haiz i next time hope i wun be like her or else my patients are the one who suffer wahaha!!! sorry patients!!!!!! Anyway she drew bout 10 or 20 ml of blood from me. haiz after that got headache. Dunno is it the drawing of blood or isit i never haf enough sleep. Lucky i din feel weak or else i would not haf gone shopping.
Yeah today lone ranger again... went to great world city ( reminds me of someone) haha!!! anyway bought one shirt, one pants ( saw the price wrongly and when i pay for it i was like OH SHIT!!!) There goes part of my CNY money. The best thing is that coz is my Bdae tomolo my dad gave me money so hehehe can cover cost liao. In the end went orchard to shop shop too. haiz friday go, than today also go. I guess i really nothing better to do wahaha!!!!!!!
This is practically a lame entry lah. i also dunno what i typing already. I can't seem to type in proper english and the vocab is all 'LOST' ( thursday 10pm channel 5) somewhere already......
Hehe tomolo go sing K than i thursday going again with my poly frens. One whole grp of ppl who can sing wahaha. But who cares i just sing with the help of the background 'voice' or else sure sing out of tune one or in monotone wahaha!!!!!!!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Suddenly just feel a little depress coz its like i'm turning 21 soon so its like i wanna something diff but yet it seems that its going to be just another day. I never really celebrate bdaes b4 coz its just another day to me but coz its 21 so i wanna something. Everyone seems to haf plans already but moi!!!! I guess too many yrs of its just another day let me felt that there 21 is also nothing but somewhere inside me wants something diff. How ironic!!! I'm like contridicting myself haha as usual. Typical of me!!!!!!! Wanted to ask for a present from my parents but its like everything becomes too ex so its a gonna already. haiz..... Its like my first time asking for one but there is goes............ Haiz.... Wish money can fall from the sky at times.
OK this holiday i like haf a urge to do many things that i never do b4 or long time never do already.
1) get my hair done ( its kinda done)
2) go practise my driving
3)go to the tree top trail (anyone interested??? ZQ is excluded. U too afraid of heights. I might
die there haha!!!)
4) go watch movies
5) go shop and shop
6)go birdpark ( haha remb use to complain but sch bringing us there)
7) go fishing ( anyone know where to go?)
8) go prawn fishing ( anyone know where to go arh)
9) mayb go running to bulid up my stamina for tennis. Need more stamina
10) go sentosa
11) go beach
12) go sulgei boloh (dunno how to spell)
13) go for holiday ( this one guess might haf to wait next yr after yr 2)
the list might just go on. I only left 3 weeks but duno if can at least do half of it haha!!!! plus need the money too wahaha!!!!! Everything also need money!!!!! And i only have 60 bucks left to spent haha. there goes my attachment money from my first VTP and 2nd VTP.
Next week i'm like going to sing K twice. 1 on tuesday and the other on thursday there goes 30 bucks wahaha. guess i haf to dig into my savings haha. I dun likeholiday coz got no pocket money to take everyday wahaha..........
Anyone interested or free to go to the birdpark or the zoo or the tree top trail tag me or msn moi!!! or else i guess i will just go alone wahaha. This sounds like me now!!!!! I'm going crazy!!!! need to get out of the house soon or i might just die of depression coz i stay at home too long.
Sorry bout my crazy behaviour but pls bared with it. Its just a normal phase i'm going through during every holiday when i got no vcds to buy and watch. WAHAHA!!!!!!!! WHERE ARE THE GOOD SHOWS!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
sorry guys
Chalet is cancelled. Sorry bout all the fuss and stuff and in the end its cancelled. After much thinking i guess its much better to hold it at a later time mayb later in the yr or something when everyone can make it and haf the finance and the time and stuff. Mayb we can hold it during near christmas or new yr since we never celebrate together b4 these festivals haha.
ZQ remb u meeting on fri hor to go shopping. call tsl too bah if she free. Anyone who wants to go too sms or msn me. The more the merrier. haha!!!!
Shermeen and Joson, remb next tues after K go watch late nite movie hor. Bengi you wanna come along too anot. Long time never see u online so never ask ya. SMS or MSN me bah!!! or just tag!!!!!
Last thingie of all anyone wanna go birdpark anot on Sunday ( anyone of the sunday)??? All Joson fault that time say wanna go zoo!!!!!!! Now me wanna go birdpark haha actually is to go see the waterfall. Many yrs never go already so wanna go. If u guys game for it sms, msn or tag me kk.
Thats bout it tata
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
din get wat i want
Did my hair today but din manage to get the style i wanted. Damn it i wanted to change my hairstyle but that stylist is so insistent with her way and i so sturborn so in the end i dun really haf the hairstyle i want. Anyway all haf to see how i look after i wash my hair so i can change it and style it MYSELF!!!! worst come to worst i go to the $10 shop to cut the style i want and this time round i will go look for the picture of the style i want. Drags........ that stylist really arh. next time i go there do my hair i wun want her liao HAHAH!!!!!! All i want is a new haristyle that i like and that i know it will suit my stupid face!!!!!!!!!! why can;t she bloody hell listen leh haiz.... so insistent that rebond means is like that already blah blah blah...................... haiz .............
thats all for today........
P.S to those ppl i tok to bout the chalet thingie. pls reply me by tonite or tomolo morning asap whether 2nd april haf chalet okie anot and ur want bbq or potluck or both. bbq all must chip in hor coz i dun haf the finance to pay for both chalet and bbq WAhaha!!!!!! Chalet i will be paying for it so no worries bout that. Ohya ZQ is in charge of the fireworks thingie she say so herself. Can't wait to go to the beach to play with it WAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! tata!!!!!!
Monday, March 20, 2006
Now is lke 5.35 am and i'm like not asleep yet. Gosh i guess all the earlier laughing when tokking to zq, joson,bengi and shermeen has made me so awake that i up to now still not aslp yet. This always happen when i laugh too much in the nite close to bedtime.
Anyway during the chat we were tokking bout gifing Joson a nickname since we all have one so he should not be left out. Anyway his new nick is JOJO but i prefer MOJO JOJO hahaha. this nick cuter than just JOJO though its kinda long but easy to remb wat coz of power puff girls!!!!!
After that we also tok bout my bdae whether to go sing K or go chalet haha!!! its like i not anxious at all but zq and joson are so anxious so funny!!! its like there is one saying in chinese the king not anxious but the eunuch is anxious haha!!! actually i wanted both but since everyone timming not there coz of work and attachment and sch so we only going to sing K. than the chalet thing haf towait till can confirm all are free bah!!!
Actually thinking bout it i got no plans at all for my 21st bdae. Everyone seem to haf an idea to how they wanna celebrate thier 21st but i dun at all. I guess mayb i do haf but the money problem is like putting off everything. haiz.... even my present i wanted to get from my dad i also put it off liao. It seems that wat ever i want at certain time something will always crop up and in the end i just dun haf the heart to go ask for it haha!!! I guess knowing too much is not gd for me at all. Guess this yr my bdae will be the same as any other yr with the only diff that zq they all will be going out with me to sing K. though its for a short while but really glad.
Anyway hope that MOJO JOJO by next week no need to go back to work than i can go try book chalet and hope no last minute problems. This seem to happen to me whenever i try to do something haha ill fated!!! Only thing is that i scare zq will be too tired in sch coz after that the next day she haf to get up real early to go sch and the journey id like 50mins lor plus 15mins walk from mrt to sch. anyway see how first bah!!!! Mayb it will not even happen at all so dun even wanna think bout it haha!! or mayb i can just go with my sub grp too members haha but i not really that close with them as with zq they all so this is like not a solution at all haha!!!!
Guess my plan to go watch movie today is a gonna coz i guess i would be sleeping in the afternoon already haha!! BTW anyone reading this ur wanna go watch movie anot arh. we go watch NANNY MCPHEE leh i think its something like mary poppins but more high tech only bah haha me love to watch mary poppins when was young. One day can like watch many many times haha!!!
I realize now adays english shows are like taking old shows plots. beside nanny mcphee, there is also other show call wat 'she his theirs' watever the title is. cannot remb. Back to wat i was saying, this story is bout a lady with many many children meeting a man with also many many children. They in the end get marry but in between their children try to break them up. so as the story goes...... i watch this kind of show like dunno how many times liao haha!!!
okay enough of crapping liao i need to sleep. guess i would be going to plaza to shop around bah. Just feel like shopping!!! Guess i;m going to spent some of my CNY money liao haha!!!! nite nite ppl or morning i should say!!!!
Saturday, March 18, 2006
long awaited video
Okay attachment are finally over YIPPIE!!! i really need this holiday to recharge again coz i've been sick for a month already. I need all the slp i can haf to recover or else arh i might think that i got chest infection or some other kinds of disease. Been taking care of ppl with chest infection so i'm kinda worry coz i've been coughing for too long liao though its getting better each day. However my flu haiz really haf to pop the cold panadol to eat liao. I need to get well so can go out play and shop and shop more haha!!!
okay here is the long awaited video i took when i went out wif zq they all to sing K. its kinda funny lah haha. i took my tired legs than bengi singing and in the background there was 2 hungry ghost (zq and tsl)eating and eating and eating haha!!!!!! Well it was a fun day with zq acting crazy at times esp when she is singing.Its bloody funni lor. Actually its gd to go sing K in a big grp but must be with ppl u like or enjoy their company or else it will be a drag .................
Okay pls kindly play very and i do mean very patiently ( i tink not correct spelling rite??) watever lah for the video to load. i think the last video i upload doesn't seem to load. guess my layout too small for my video haha!!!! anyway i'm trying to do something bout it when i feel like it so bare with it at the moment haha!!!!!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Recently i realize i like to type KAOZ in tagboards or in blogs or watever hahaha!!!! anyway results are out for my sem 2. In the nite i could not slp well at all. though i was not thinking bout the results but i guess sub consciously i am bah. i think.......... Well other stuffs were on my mind too actually. Well enough of all those i cannot slp rubbish.
In a few hours time haf to get out of bed to go attachment liao but here i am blogging. well just feel like blogging. JUst came to realize that blogging is quite a good way to release ur worries and feelings and other stuff watsoever.
think haf to slp now liao or at least try or just lie dead on bed to rest and pyscho myself to sleep.
P.S ZQ i friday can go play fireworks with you liao if i not going to sing K with my frens. Will sms u tomolo or friday morning /afternoon to confirm yah!!!! or wanna go sing K on friday also can haha but call tsl too bah. Anyway juz can't wait for the end of my attachment!!!!! YIPPIE!!!!!!!!!!!! FREEDOM FOR 1 WHOLE MONTH!!!!!
Sunday, March 12, 2006
surprising day
Today is like a day full of surprises lor. Going to this Jeremy party can be a gd thing too coz get to realize so many things that was hidden from me. Honestly I'm rather disappointed lor ( if u reading this u should know who u are). Never expect u will turn out this way. If u really need to vent somewhere call me lah. i can finds ways to help though i might not be very gd at it or u may not like it but i rather you come find me than to do those stuff. Becareful i come nagging at you and its going to be very unpleasent hor!!! ZI YE BING you noe!!!!!! Things i said at the party may not be nice lah buts its for your own gd and gd advice never sound nice rite??? Just remb wat i said lah and try hard ok. Nothing is that bad as long as its not the end of the world. Even if its the end of the world u still haf to take it to ur stride ( dunno how to spell lah). U know how to say to advice other ppl so i hope u can also listen to your own advice that you gif other ppl. okie??? pls promise me that you would stop doing wat you do. As a fren i dun wanna see you like that ok. I really want you well thats why all these nagging. dun try to avoid me or else HEHEHEHE!!!!!!!!
Anyway to EVERYONE OF YOU GUYS READING THIS............ whether isit family, personal, relationship problem you can look for me and i will be there to help you. Even if i cannot help i will still try ok. BTW i very resouceful hor. BUT if you kill or rob the bank or do illegal stuff hor dun look for me coz i will just call the police to arrest you lor.I dun wanna see anyone of you guys to do silly things. Its bcoz i treat you guys as gd frens than i nag or else i can't even be bother wif you. Die already i also wun care at all. I will just watch you rot away ur life and see you kill urself.
Ok enough of it liao or else too nagging. Anyway just came back bout an hour ago only. WAH this time my first time go home so late. break record liao lah!! Had a nice chat with Joson, Shermeen and Bengi!!! Many things was said and stuff but really glad we all chat tonite till in the wee hours........... Next time must have chatting session again mayb else where this time round.
Blog the next time round after my attachment and will upload the video of bengi that time singing K on wednesday... TATA