Today went out with my Poly frens to sing K. First time go out with my poly frens. Well there was sharon,hui min, estelle and suichan. Now i know that they can really and i do mean really sing lor. haiz.... next time if go sing with them must go buck up my singing first wahaha or else so pai seh haha though they dun mind my horrible singing wahaha!!!!! Anyway we had fun taking lots of photos haha!!!!

My K box card. wah the ppl at
Jurong there better. See my
stupid paper card so gif me
one rite at the spot. not like
thosee ppl at cck chase till so
long still never gif me.

Hui min, Sharon and Estelle
acting COOL!!!

Acting Cute haha!!!

There's a fire but still wanna
sing ( cam problem when
taking the pic haha)

Well taken pic by me wahaha!!!

Estelle and Moi haha finally
haf a pic i'm not the only one
who is so dark.

Hui Min And ME!!!

their heads are STUCK onto
the wall!!!!!!

Sharon and Me!!!

Sui Chan and Me!!!

Sui chan and I are estelle's
'women' wahaha!!!!

Grp PIc!!! without sharon.
That bout it Got more pics but too lazy to upload it wahaha!!!!!!!!
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