Juz updated to another new song for the new yr haha!! I should be changing quite often if free coz recently got a few songs i like mainly coz it reflects to how i'm feeling or other that the song is really gd in terms of singing,tune and lyrics.
Well i would say that Shan Hu Hai is the best song in 2005 in my opinion. I really love this song. lyrics is also very different from others that we haf seen in these few yrs. Well mayb there are better songs but i did not haf the chance to come across it so i guess Shan Hu Hai is the best one in 2005. Well there are also many other songs i like but it cannot be place in 1st place haha.
Well the background song you guys are listening to now is from this hk serial titled ' the last breakthrough'. If you haf scv than you should know wat show i'm tokking about. This show is about a grp of healthcare workers doing volunteer work in africa mainly in the state kenya. The setting that they broadcast really shows that Kenya is a beautiful place in terms of nature. One day if i got the money i would also like to visit Kenya. Anyway tis show is rather inspiring.
After studying nursing i realize i'm even more in shows that is bout healthcare. So funny haha!!
Well sch is starting soon haiz..... and i also juz finish watching the lastest vcd i bought. this one was recommanded in the newspaper and it was good. Thought not as captivating as Loveholic but its good enough for me to not touch the forward button if u know wat i mean.
After watching all these korean shows i just dun understand something. How come after students graduate from sch already than the student and teacher cannot be in a relationship leh. Why do ppl oppose to such thing. Yeah they be student and teacher relation in the past but that is all in the pass already. Now everyone is a grown up and love is a free thingie. Its not as if they had a relationship during the sch days or wat. Is it really wrong?? I dun know. I guess there must be such things thats why they film such things bah. Or mayb the writer is just fascinating ( dunno if spell correctly) I guess thats why there is this chinese phase bout a teacher is like your parents or is it once a teacher always a teacher. Something like that lah.
Suddenly i just feel like telling this guy that i like him but so many things are pulling me back. The first main reason is juz look at me. No 'tiao jian' at all later become laughing stock haha..... 2nd leh wat if cannot even be frens how leh. see so many ppl around me after expressing their feelings than all cannot be frens liao coz so awkward........ 3rd leh he already got someone he like liao. mayb they already ina relationship though he never say anything bout it.
I guess this is the part where i lose to shermeen and bengi bah. At least they dare to express their feelings to the person they like. Really salute to them!!!! Feeling real sad now somemore now listening to Shan Hu Hai and this lyrics just sung pass ' ai qin mian qiang bu lai'.
Just now tokking to him than he ask wat is my new yr resolution. Dun know wat to tell him haha.... so was thinking bout it than i think i wanna go improve my tennis skills and be in sch team by next yr. That means must ask coach to teach more often liao at low rates. wonder if coach still haf those wednesday klass anot or else can go. but in 3 weeks time i got attachment so haf to see bout it bah. At least haf a gd year before i leave though i'm making plans to do another course which means 3 more yrs in nyp. See how it goes bah coz i might haf to do the A level as a private student while doing my nursing course. Dunno if can cope anot since i already haf so many ICAs and studying to do. Tuesday will go see mentor to discuss wif him.
Wah really writing alot tonite . just haf to blah out everything. HAHA!!!!!!!
Hope you guys haf a great year ahead and everything will be smooth sailing..........