Today is the third day of CNY so bengi and i went to hitler's house to bai nian. Long time never go her place liao. Her sister to tall and big already. Kids all grow up so fast. This means i'm getting older too :( but......... i still dun look like my age so its a bonus haha..........
So anyway three of us went to k box. Too bad this time ZQ cannot come along. Anyway today K lunch was cheaper than K nite though both are priced $9+++. weird. K lunch was more worth it lah coz got lunch mah WAHAHA!!!!!!
picture time.....

Engross singing.....

Next Song pls.......

When will it be MINE turn???

Finally........ Sheng Qing de
zai chang ge.


Bengi and I had the same set.
This one is almost eaten
already than take one.
So after K, we went to take neoprint. HAHA ZQ not around we never take together. She miss her chance again. ZQ......NEXT TIME then we all take togther okie. Its been long since i last took neoprint wif bengi they all.. Thought the effects not as gd as the last time i took we my attachment frens but i still i like it haha........ P.S next time we choose a better machine wif more effects and more choices.

Surprise!!!!!!! video of bengi singing haha. Hope u dun mind me putting it up..... if it bothers you than sms me i will take it down ASAP. Here's the link...
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