Saturday, September 16, 2006

end of attachment

End of my 3 weeks medical posting finally......... totally exhausted due to the lack of gd slp for the past 3 weeks. And today i totally slp and lie on bed all day after i came back from tennis. haha slacker today. even rite now i'm still lying my my bed typing this. Dun even feel like moving at all. guess after suppressing all my tireness for the past 3 weeks i'm finally releasing it all at once. Even today during tennis could not play well and i was always sitting around waiting for my turn. sit here and there and even my frens say i look tired and depress when they look at me at the opposite side of the court haha!!!!

anyway this attachment something bad happened. just walking can also fall down haha. now got bruise on my knee. anyway was coz i felt the floor was slippery lor than lost my blance and fall. lucky brake with my hand and i move my weight to my side or else my face bye bye liao. the fall was not the bad thing but rather now some the the SN reaction to the incident. some of them just bloody hell keep blaming it was my fault, its my shoe problem but my shoe i just bought it and i swear that it was coz i felt the floor was slippery thus i fell thought they all say the floor is dry. dame piss off lor. than the nurse who was beside me had to write a report than in it say query to shoewear i even more piss off. already say not my shoe and she so bloody insisting it was my shoe and say in a round bout manner that its my fault and all those shit lah. And than i say i'm perfectly normal as in i haf no giddiness and stuff before the incident than she rebutted me back that no one is normal. Yeah rite she is the abnormal one lor. i toking normal in health and stuff she say i not normal. piss~~~~~~~ and another SN Ro_ _ _ he that fatso, king kong, bloody shit idiot who only noe how to open his mouth and not even leave a hand to do anything still dare to say me that wat heaven giving me a sign that i too fat thats why i fall. if i not on attachment i surely rebutt him back that he so much fatter than me and only know how to tok and somemore so dirty ( and still can be a nurse leh s dirty looking nurse) and somemore dun even know how to think bout the patient. ask me to go dress the wound the patient stratch broken and he told me to just dress it with gauze. i told him i wanna clean it with normal saline he told me no need. Anyway i dun care him i still went ahead to wat i think is rite and even my frens think is rite. how can be so dirty and lazy man!!!! he should be fired. he is really a huge lazy fatass vessel that makes alot of noise.

Now for happy thing hehe!!! i was ask by the sister of the ward if i'm interested to be bonded haha coz one of the SN praise me. but i turn it down coz i got other plans and my mum in the beginning also told me that she can still see me through so i no need to get bonded just for the money. Anyway she also know i wanna do other things. in my heart i was like laughing coz its so ironic. my lecutrer and the big fat kind kong thinks poorly of me coz knowledge wise i not very good and that king kong everytime see us its the time we are free so he say we are like professional models walking around not doing anything. my frens and i were like we busy what were you doing??? toking away and causing noise pollution. Still dare say us!!!! DIE!!!!! and hor somemore he is a two double headed snake. in front of my lecturer say nice things behide her say bad things. wat an asshole man!!!! What the thing is that SN that praise me gave me chance to learn and teach me patiently thats why i more hardworking. If chance not given and no one willing to teach its really hard to go get objectives met lor. we are tokking bout human lives lor so cannot anyhow play play if dunno.

Anyway made new frens actually its the yr 1 lah hehe. nice bunch of kiddos. enjoy working with them and gossiping haha esp with one of them coz we everytime same team and we take the same route home so we much closer haha!!! something else happen too but its for me to know only haha!!! anyway hope that next time if haf to go back to the same ward hope those assholes not there liao. only the nice SN and AN and HCA are there.

one week of holiday before my attachment at NUH. one week of resting for me. and after NUH attachment 3 weeks of holiday YIPPIE!!!!!!!!!!

forgot the most impt thing. i pass my exams. yupyup the usual Bs and Cs and no Ds at all. lucky me. and still keeping to the target i set for myself- GPA to be maintained at least at 2.5 and above.

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